Have questions? Contact us at juveniledept@jbazmc.maricopa.gov or call (602) 506-4533.

Training for Legal Professionals

Join an online Brown Bag Training with the Juvenile Department to earn COJET or CLE credit, collaborate with the bench and bar, and learn more about delinquency, dependency, trending issues, and best practices. Trainings are every 3rd Thursday of the month from 12:15 to 1:15 pm. Download the flyer for a QR code to participate in the Teams meeting.

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Attorney Documents


Form 1: Notice to Parent in Dependency Action

Form 2: Notice to Parent in In-Home Intervention Action

Form 3: Notice to Parent in Guardianship Action

Form 4: Notice to Parent in Termination Action

Parent Financial Declaration to Determine Eligibility for a Court-Appointed Attorney


Formato 1: Notificación al Progenitor

Formato 2: Notificación al Progenitor Interesando

Formato 3: Notificación al Progenitor

Formato 4: Notificación al Progenitor

Declaratión Financiera para Determinar si los padres tienen derecho a un abogado de oficio

Instructions for emailing a PDF document from Adobe Acrobat Reader DC

For more information visit azcourts.gov

Remote Hearing Etiquette Guide for Counsel and Clients Link

Notice to Witness Re: Testimony During Remote Hearing Link

Delinquency Plea on Demand Request Form

For The Record (FTR) NOTE: As of February 1st, 2021 any Juvenile FTR requests go through email ERS@jbazmc.maricopa.gov or call (602-506-7100).

Bench Bar Presentations

2023 Bench Bar Presentations

2022 Bench Bar Presentations



Juvenile Department Leadership

Hon. Lori Bustamante

Presiding Judge

Paula Collins

Department Administrator

Contact the Juvenile Department