This guide can give you a place to start your research when you have a case for filing an appeal. Judgments and Orders signed by a judge in a court, may be appealed to a higher court. From lowest to highest, the courts in Arizona are:

  • Municipal and Justice Courts
  • Superior Court
  • Arizona Court of Appeals
  • Arizona Supreme Court

See more information at

Each court has their own rules and procedures for appealing cases. Please consult with an attorney for specific deadlines and to ensure that your appeal goes smoothly. 

"Administrative agency" or "agency" means every agency, board, commission, department or officer authorized by law to exercise rule-making powers or to adjudicate contested cases, whether created by constitutional provision or legislative enactment.  Except as provided in ARS §33-1905, administrative agency or agency does not include an agency in the judicial or legislative departments of the state government, any political subdivision or municipal corporation or any agency of a political subdivision or municipal corporation. ARS §12-901

"Administrative decision" or "decision" means any decision, order or determination of an administrative agency that is rendered in a case, that affects the legal rights, duties or privileges of persons and that terminates the proceeding before the administrative agency. ARS §12-901

“Appeal” means the legal process used to ask a higher court to review a decision of a lower court.

“Appellant” means the person/party appealing the judgment or decision of a court.

“Appellate Court” means a court having jurisdiction (authority) to hear appeals.

“Appellee” means the party against whom the appeal is taken.

“Lower Court” means 1) Any court of relatively lesser rank, such as municipal or justice court below a superior or county court, a superior or county court below an appeals court, or a federal district court of appeals below the U.S. Supreme Court. 2) A reference in an appeal to the trial court that originally heard the case.

Arizona Revised Statutes §§12-120 through 12-120.32: These Arizona statutes govern the AZ Court of Appeals and its jurisdiction.

Arizona Revised Statutes §§12-901 through 12-914: These statutes govern Judicial Review of Administrative Decisions.

Arizona Revised Statutes §§12-1179 through 12-1182: These Arizona statutes govern Forcible Entry and Detainer appeals.

Arizona Revised Statutes §§22-261 through 22-265: These Arizona statutes govern civil case appeals from the Justice Court to the Superior Court.

Arizona Revised Statutes §§22-371 through 22-375: These Arizona statues govern criminal case appeals from the Justice Court to the Superior Court.

Arizona Revised Statute §12-133: This Arizona statute governs Superior Court arbitration appeals.

Arizona Revised Statute §12-170: This Arizona statute governs Tax Court appeals.

Rules 601-610, Arizona Rules of Procedure for Juvenile Court: Describe the rules for filing an appeal from a Juvenile court judgment.

Rules 7-12, Arizona Rules of Civil Appellate Procedure: Describe procedures in civil appeals to the Arizona Court of Appeals and the Arizona Supreme Court, as well as appeals and special actions governed by other rules that expressly incorporate the provisions of these Rules.

Rules 1-17, Superior Court Rules of Appellate Procedure – Civil: Describe the procedures in all civil appeals, except as provided otherwise by law, taken to the Superior Court from an order or the final judgment of a justice court pursuant to A.R.S. §22-261, or municipal court pursuant to A.R.S. §22-425(B), including but not limited to Orders of Protection, Injunctions Against Harassment, and other civilly sanctioned cases.

Rules 1-16, Superior Court Rules of Appellate Procedure – Criminal: Describe the procedures in all criminal appeals, except as provided otherwise by law, taken to the Superior Court from an order or the final judgment of a justice court pursuant to A.R.S. §§22-371 through 375.

Rules 31-33, Superior Court Rules of Criminal Procedure: Describes the procedures in Criminal case appeals for Superior Court cases.

Rules of Procedure for Eviction Actions, Rule 17: Describes the procedure to appeal an eviction case from either Justice Court or Superior Court. 

When filing for an appeal in any court, the Appellant must first file a paper called a “Notice of Appeal” with the Court where the order of judgment they are appealing was issued. After the “Notice of Appeal” has been filed, the Appellant will file documents in the court that is hearing their appeal.

Municipal and Justice Court cases may be appealed to the Superior Court; Superior Court cases may be appealed to the Court of Appeals.

The Arizona Appellate Court website has a guidebook and additional forms you can use.

Note: The timeframe one has to file a Notice of Appeal with the court is very strict and outlined in the various Rules of Court:

Arizona Rules of Civil Appellate Procedure, Rule 9: if appealing a Superior Court Civil, Family, Probate, Protective Order, Injunction Again Harassment, or Eviction case to the Court of Appeals.

Arizona Rules of Criminal Procedure, Rule 31.2: if appealing a Superior Court Criminal Case to the Court of Appeals.

Rules of Procedure for the Juvenile Court, Rule 603: if appealing a Juvenile Court case.

Superior Court Rules of Appellate Procedure – Civil, Rule 4: if appealing a Municipal Court or Justice Court Civil case to the Superior Court.

Superior Court Rules of Appellate Procedure – Civil, Rules 14(b): notes that no further appeals are allowed when appealing a Municipal Court or Justice Court Civil Case to the Superior Court, except in very limited circumstances.

Superior Court Rules of Appellate Procedure – Criminal, Rule 4: if appealing a Municipal Court or Justice Court Criminal Case to the Superior Court.

The courts in Maricopa County have created forms that you can use. Please be sure to read the checklist for each packet to ensure the forms are right for your situation.

Notice of Appeal – Civil Justice/Municipal Court case: Use this form if you wish to file appeal for a Civil judgment issued from the Justice or Municipal Court.

Notice of Appeal – Criminal Justice/Municipal Court case: Use this form if you wish to file an appeal for a Criminal judgment issued from the Justice or Municipal Court.

Notice of Appeal – Criminal Superior Court case (template): Use this template to create a notice of appeal when you intend to appeal a Criminal judgment issued from the Superior Court. This is a template, not a fillable form. You would need to draft the form yourself using the template as guide. You may use the Criminal Department Motion form to draft your form. En Espanol aqui.

Notice of Appeal – Juvenile Delinquency/Incorrigibility Proceeding: Use this form when you intend to file an appeal from a Superior Court case judgment in a Juvenile delinquency/incorrigibility case.

Notice of Appeal – Juvenile Dependency, Termination, Title 8 Guardianship, Adoption, or Emancipation Proceeding: Use this form when you intend to file an appeal from a Superior Court case judgment in a Juvenile dependency, termination, Title 8 Guardianship, Adoption, or Emancipation proceeding.

Notice of Appeal/Cross Appeal/Amended Notice of Appeal (template): Use this template to create a notice of appeal/cross appeal or/amended notice of appeal when you intend to file an appeal from a Superior court case judgment – civil. This is a template, not a fillable form. You would need to draft the form yourself using the template as guide. You may use the Civil Department pleading/motion form to draft your form. En Espanol aqui.

Other Court of Appeals forms (templates): The Court of Appeals has provided templates of many forms in their online Guide. These are not fillable forms – you would need to draft the form(s) yourself using the templates as a guide. You may use the Civil Department pleading/motion form to draft your form(s). En Espanol aqui.

Other Justice Court appeal forms: The Justice Court provides links to additional appeal forms on their site, divided by category. 

These resources are available at the downtown Phoenix location, and online when indicated.

Berg, Timothy J. and Emily Ward, J. Bradley. Must Attorneys’ Fees be Included in the Supersedeas Bond Amounts? Analyzing the Conflict Between A.R.S. Sec. 12-2108 and ARCAP 7” 58 Arizona Attorney 66 (April 2022).  

Brill, Melina and Paul McMurdie. “Family Court Appeals: Where Are We Now? 58 Arizona Attorney 62 (April 2022).

“Criminal Appeals Process.” Arizona Attorney General.

Fraser, Eric M. and Andrew G. Pappas. “Demystifying Supersedeas Bonds in Civil Cases: How to Stay a Judgment Pending Appeal.”  61 Arizona Attorney 20 (September 2024).

“Guide for Self-Represented (“Pro Se” or “Pro Per”) Appellants and Appellees.” AZ Supreme Court, 2019.

“Juvenile Appeals Process Overview.” AZ Supreme Court, 2023.

“Lower Court of Appeals Flowchart.” 

Magnuson, Eric J. and Samuel A. Thumma. “’Same as it Ever Was’: Why Audio-Video Recordings in and of Trial Court Proceedings Should Not Change the Standard of Appellate Review.”  24 Journal of Appellate Practice and Process 213 (Summer 2024)

Meltzer, Mark and Beth Beckmann. “The New Post-Conviction Rules: What Lawyers Need to Know.” 56 Arizona Attorney 32 (February 2020).

“Representing Yourself, Appealing a Civil Case to the Superior Court: A Guide on How to Appeal a Final Order or Judgment from a Justice Court or Municipal Court in Non-Traffic Civil Cases.”, 2008.

“Representing Yourself: Appealing a Civil Traffic Case to the Superior Court.”, 2008.

“Representing Yourself, Appealing a Criminal Case to the Superior Court: A Guide on How to Appeal A Criminal Case (Including Criminal Traffic Cases) from a Justice Court or Municipal Court to the Superior Court.”, 2008.

“Successfully Navigating the Appeals Process.” David L. Abney, Bennett Evan Cooper, James L. Csontos, Peter B. Swann, KFA2955 .A25 2009.

“Working with the Court of Appeals.” State Bar of Arizona, KFA2955.A75 W77 2008. 

Representing Yourself: Appealing a Civil Traffic Case to the Superior Court.”, 2008.

This information is provided by the Law Library Resource Center of the Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County.

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Last update: 3/6/2025

Disclaimer: The information provided in these guides is for research purposes only. We do not provide legal advice. For legal advice, please speak to an attorney. These guides are reviewed and updated periodically. The most recent revision date is on the guide. There may be more current information available. These guides are intended as a starting point only and do not include all information or materials related to the topic.