You may use the forms on this page if the following factors apply to your situation:
- You or your spouse filed a petition for Divorce or Petition for Legal Separation AND,
- You do not have a "covenant" marriage AND,
- You and your spouse agree to all terms of the divorce or legal separation, including (1) division of property and debt, (2) spousal maintenance (alimony) and if so, how much, and (3) legal decision-making, parenting time, and support of any minor children, AND,
- You and your spouse will provide your notarized signatures on the "Consent Decree" to indicate your agreement on all terms; AND,
- (If you have minor children) You and your spouse have attended, or will attend, the Parent Information Program before you file a Consent Decree;
- You disagree on any terms of the divorce or legal separation; or
- The parties agree on all terms, the filing fee for a Response has not been paid by either party, and you prefer to proceed with a Default Decree in order to not pay the Response fee; or
- You have a covenant marriage. This paperwork will NOT work for a covenant marriage.
Use the easy-to-use child support calculator at ezCourtForms to complete the Child Support Worksheet, Child Support Order, and Employer Information Sheet.
Packets contain ALL forms and ALL instructions needed for this process. Where there are separate packets for Instructions and Forms, get BOTH packets.
To Get a Consent Decree for Divorce or Legal Separation - DR7
Or download instructions and forms individually

Sensitive Data Sheet (for the Respondent, if he/she has not already filed this document) - drsds10f