You may use the forms on this page if the following factors apply to your situation:

  • You or your spouse filed a petition for legal separation without minor children; AND
  • You and your spouse have no minor children with each other AND neither spouse is pregnant by the otherAND
  • You do not have a covenant marriage; AND
  • You are going to a default hearing, or you have filed the papers to get a default legal separation without a hearing, or you are going to a trial.

Packets contain ALL forms and ALL instructions needed for this process. 

To get a legal separation decree when no minor children are involved - Instructions and Forms - DRLSA8

Or download instructions and forms individually


Instructions and procedures for a default decree with a hearing - drlsa81i


Instructions and procedures for default decree without a hearing - drd68p


How to complete a Spousal Maintenance Worksheet - drsm12h


Decree of Legal Separation without Minor Children - drlsa81f


Current Employer Information Sheet - drs88f


Motion and Affidavit for Default Decree without Hearing - drd68f

Disclaimer: The files included within the Law Library Resource Center's website are copyrighted. Users have permission to use the files, forms, and information for any lawful purpose. The files and forms are not intended to be used to engage in the unauthorized practice of law. The Court assumes no responsibility and accepts no liability tor actions taken by the users of these documents, including reliance on their contents. All files are under continual revision. If you are not using these forms right away, or if you plan to use them repeatedly, we strongly recommend that you check the site regularly to determine whether the files you are using have been updated.

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