You may use the forms on this page if the following factors apply to your situation:
- You want to have the court appoint a guardian and conservator for a person under the age of 18*, AND
- The guardian and conservator will be needed for longer than 6 months (See "Temporary Orders" packet if need is for less than 6 months), AND
- The minor lives in or owns property in Maricopa County, AND
- The minor's assets or income are more than $10,000/year (not including social security benefits), AND
- The parents will either sign a Voluntary Consent, OR after receiving notice of the Petition to Appoint a Permanent Guardian-Conservator, will not file papers or come to court to object to the appointment.
A minor generally needs a conservator if:
- The minor owns money or property in excess of $10,000 that requires management or protection which cannot be otherwise provided;
- The minor has assets or business affairs which may be jeopardized by his or her being a minor; and/or
- The minor needs funds for his or her support and education and protection is necessary or desirable to obtain or provide the fund.
NOTE: A conservatorship is not needed if the minor's only income is social security benefits.
A minor generally needs a guardian if:
- The minor needs the care and supervision of an adult, which is not presently available.
* For a person at least 17.5 years of age who will need a Guardian-Conservator as an adult but NOT as a minor, you may instead file papers for appointment of a Guardian-Conservator "for an ADULT or a person at least 17.5 years of age" for an appointment that will become effective at age 18.
For guardianship only, see forms under the Juvenile section.
Once you are done with the documents below, you're ready for Part 2 - Preparing Service and Notice of the Court Hearing.
Petition For Guardianship/Conservatorship of a Minor - Forms - PBGCM1f

Petition For Guardianship/Conservatorship of a Minor - Instructions - PBGCM1i
Or download instructions and forms individually

Helpful Information: Providing Notice in Matters of Guardianship and Conservatorship - pbgc20h

Parent Consent Form and (optional) Waiver of Notice (for other parent) - pbgcm13f