If you believe you are or may be in danger of being a victim of domestic violence, you can do some things to help yourself:

  • You can get an ORDER OF PROTECTION to order the offender to stay away from you and so the police can arrest the offender if he or she violates the order.  You can start the process at AZPOINT. More information about the process is here.
  • You can LEAVE THE SCENE. No matter where you are, no matter what your partner is doing, just LEAVE. Leave to collect your thoughts. Leave to consider the consequences of your decisions. Go somewhere safe and peaceful to calm down.
  • You can TALK to someone, such as a counselor at a shelter. This person can help you with a PERSONAL SAFETY PLAN so you and your children have the security and resources to leave the abusive person.
  • You can TELL A FRIEND about your problem to get support and help.
  • You can GET HELP. There are many agencies in the community that can help you with your problems. Ask for help today.


For a listing of community services and resources visit our Resources page.

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