Law Day is an annual commemoration held on May 1st to celebrate the rule of law and cultivate a deeper understanding of the legal system.
The Constitution's Promise: Out of Many, One
The Preamble to the Constitution boldly asserts that the Framers established the Constitution as representatives of “We the People, in Order to Form a More Perfect Union.” On this Law Day, we explore and renew our duties to one another under the Constitution and our democratic norms. The Constitution establishes a framework for government that unites us as one citizenry, through means such as our representative government, jury service, and a regular Census. And through this commitment to our Union, we each provide for the common good through government responses to national crises and natural disasters, and through community and advocacy programs for students and adults.
Student Video Showcase
Students ages 14-18 are invited to showcase their creativity and make their voice heard by creating a short 3-minute video sharing their thoughts on whether the U.S. Constitution brings Americans together or drives us apart.
Participating students can participate at the Law Day event on May 1, 2025 to share their perspective with Maricopa County's Superior Court judicial officers and learn more about the role of the Constitution in shaping the United States.
Submit your video by March 12, 2025