PHOENIX (January 31, 2023) – No need to stress or be anxious about your jury summons, just ask friends and family who have recently served on a jury in Maricopa County about their experience. Their response will motivate you into action.

Based on research conducted by the Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County, those who have served on a jury can’t wait to be called again. It’s the highest praise and most powerful statement about jury service. So, when a summons is received in the mail follow three simple steps: respond, call, navigate. (

“We encourage people to talk to their most trusted sources who have served to find out the truth about jury service. The experience of serving on a jury is unmatched. For many people, it’s the one time in their life they get to be directly involved in the judicial process,” Jury Administrator Matthew Martin said.

A study conducted by the jury office in the Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County concluded that 86% of people reporting for jury service completed the pre-arrival steps.

“It’s critical for every person that receives a summons to complete the preliminary steps before reporting for jury service. Because of the importance of jury duty and the continued positive feedback we receive from jurors, the Court feels, in time, that number will be closer to 100%.” Martin said. “We recognize that jury service pulls people out of their daily routine and may inconvenience some; however, it’s worth it. So, when you get a summons in the mail: respond, call, navigate and enjoy your experience.”

Follow the three simple instructions on the jury postcard:

  • STEP 1 – Respond: Respond to this notice by completing the questionnaire at or scan the QR code to the right within 10 days.
  • STEP 2 – Call: Follow reporting instructions by calling 602-506-8000 after 5 p.m. one business day prior to the date listed and listen for your Group Number.
  • STEP 3 – Navigate: If your Group Number has been selected, you are required to appear at the location specified on the summons card at the time instructed on the recording.


Recently, Pepper Groat, who just completed her jury service, gave a glowing review of her experience.

“On the day to report, it was easy to find my way to the parking garage. So grateful for the awesome directions someone put on the card and on the web page. When I arrived at the courthouse, I was greeted by security, and they were very helpful too. Also, the greater Jury Assembly room was very impressive,” Groat said. “I was assigned to Judge Ronee Korbin Steiner’s courtroom for Jury Duty. Everyone in the courtroom were so nice and respectful. Judge Korbin Steiner ran an outstanding, efficient court, and I do appreciate her helping us understand each step in clear and concise details. I am so thankful to all her personnel who helped her run the courtroom.”

Jurors, like Pepper Groat, are a vital part of American democracy, and all citiHomezens must fulfill their duty and respond to their summons. The United States Constitution and the Arizona State Constitution guarantee the right to trial by jury. All Maricopa County residents are obligated by state law to serve as a juror unless they are under the age of 18, not a citizen and/or have been convicted of a felony and their civil rights have not been restored.

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The Judicial Branch of Arizona in Maricopa County is comprised of Superior Court, Adult Probation and Juvenile Probation, which includes juvenile detention. The Judicial Branch in Maricopa County is the fourth largest trial court system in the nation and, along with its 3,000 employees, is dedicated to providing a safe, fair and impartial forum for resolving disputes, enhancing access to services, and providing innovative, evidence-based practices that improve the safety of the community and ensure the public’s trust and confidence in the Judicial Branch. For more information, visit

Contact: Vincent Funari, Public Information Officer 602.506.7032



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