This guide can give you a place to start your research when you have a case for child support in the Superior Court of Maricopa County.

"Arrearage" means the total unpaid support owed, including child support, past support, spousal maintenance and interest. ARS §25-500(1)

"Child support guidelines" means the child support guidelines that are adopted by the state supreme court. ARS §25-500(3)

"Income" means any form of payment owed to an individual, regardless of source, including wages, salaries, commissions, bonuses, workers' compensation, disability payments, payments pursuant to a pension or retirement program and interest. ARS §25-500(6)

"Obligee" means a person or agency entitled to receive support. ARS §25-500(7)

"Obligor" means a person obligated to pay support. ARS §25-500(8)

Arizona Revised Statutes §§25-500 through 25-685:  These Arizona statutes govern child support.

Arizona Revised Statutes §§25-1201 through 25-1362: These Arizona statutes govern the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act.

Arizona Rules of Family Law Procedure, Rules 91 and 91.1: Describe the procedure for modifying a court order for child support.

Arizona Rules of Family Law Procedure, Rules 91 and 91.2: Describe the procedure for enforcing a court order for child support.

The Superior Court in Maricopa County has created forms that you can use. Please be sure to read the checklist for each packet to ensure the forms are right for your situation.

Establish Child Support - Use these forms when you do not have a previous order for child support and want to ask the Court to set one up.

Modification of Child Support – Simplified Process - Use these forms when you have a previous court order for child support and need to change the child support order.  These forms may be used if you have completed a new Child Support Worksheet and it shows a 15% or more difference from the current amount. Your request must be for the Child Support Worksheet amount. You cannot ask to deviate.

Modification of Child Support – Standard Process - Use these forms when you have a previous court order for child support and need to change the child support order. These forms may be used if the request to change child support is due to a “substantial and continuing change in circumstances.”

Modification of Child Support – By Agreement - Use these forms when you have a previous court order for child support and need to change the child support order.  These forms may be used if both parties are in agreement to modify the order and will provide their notarized signatures on the agreement form.

Change an Income Withholding Order – When the parties disagree - Use these forms when you have a previous court order for child support, and you need to increase or decrease that amount due to a specific set of circumstances (please read the checklist in Step 1 for those circumstances to see if you qualify). Do not use these forms to stop your income withholding order or to modify your child support order!

Change an Income Withholding Order – When the parties agree - Use these forms when you have a previous court order for child support, and you need to increase or decrease that amount due to a specific set of circumstances (please read the checklist for those circumstances to see if you qualify). These forms may be used if both parties are in agreement to change the income withholding order and will provide notarized signatures on the agreement form. Do not use these forms to stop your income withholding order or to modify your child support order!

Stop an Income Withholding Order – When the parties disagree - Use these forms when you have a previous court order for child support and need to stop your income withholding order (the amount taken from your paycheck or the amount you pay to the Clearinghouse) because a specific set of circumstances has occurred. (Please read the checklist in Step 1 for those circumstances to see if you qualify). Do not use these forms if there is back child support still owed (arrears) or there are still minor children on a child support order!

Stop an Income Withholding Order – When the parties agree - Use these forms when you have a previous court order for child support and need to stop your income withholding order (the amount taken from your paycheck or the amount you pay to the Clearinghouse) because a specific set of circumstances has occurred. (Please read the checklist for those circumstances to see if you qualify). These forms may be used if both parties are in agreement to stop the income withholding order and will provide notarized signatures on the agreement form.   Do not use these forms if there is back child support still owed (arrears) or there are still minor children on a child support order!

Appenzeller, Barbara. ”Financial settlements and support issues in divorce.” Eau Claire, WI: National Business Institute.; 2010. KFA2500 .A66. Only available at Downtown location.

“Arizona Child Support Guidelines.” Arizona Judicial Branch. January, 2022. En español aquí

Cantor, I., and Smith, C. M., Arizona Practice: Marriage Dissolution Practice (volumes 3). Thomson Reuters, KFA 2500 .S65. Also available on Westlaw.

“Child Support Calculator.” Arizona Judicial Branch. 2021. "En español aquí"

“Child Support Information.”; Arizona Bar Foundation. Phoenix, AZ. 2022.

Creighton, C. A., Arizona Legal Forms: Domestic Relations (volumes 4, 4A). Thomson Reuters, KFA 2468 .A75. Also available on Westlaw.

“FAQ – Child Support.”; Arizona Bar Foundation. Phoenix, AZ. 2022.

Law Library Resource Center, “Workshop – Changing/Modifying Child Support in Maricopa County,”

This information is provided by the Law Library Resource Center of the Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County. 

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Last update: 3/6/2025

Disclaimer: The information provided in these guides is for research purposes only. We do not provide legal advice. For legal advice, please speak to an attorney. These guides are reviewed and updated periodically. The most recent revision date is on the guide. There may be more current information available. These guides are intended as a starting point only and do not include all information or materials related to the topic.